Accommodation Žiar okres Liptovský Mikuláš , boarding houses

Acommodation Žiar okres Liptovský Mikuláš offers 4 objectss

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Boarding house Nízke Tatry
26 beds
In the center of town Ziar is a holiday house Gazdovsky Dvor that is from Liptovsky Mikulas only ...
Boarding house Nízke Tatry
14 beds 
The main particularity of the pension is a family atmosphere, which depth is further raised by ...
Boarding house Nízke Tatry
28 beds 
Our guesthouse Frank is located in the Western Tatras at the end of the picturesque mountain ...
Boarding house Nízke Tatry
8 beds 
Guest-house Alice is located in a nice quiet village Ziar at the beginning of Western Tatras near...