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Accommodation Hotel - Max Inn

Pri Suchom mlyne 7, 814 21, Bratislava

Hotel Max Inn characterized by three asterisks. Can you say "it is therefore not much at all." We guarantee, however, some added value that can not be measured through official channels. In doing so, it adds just the right places specific, nutty character. If our hotel is nice and it mentioned a homely atmosphere. We are creeping into her interior solution and the availability of hotel rooms, it reflects the restaurant and cafe, and not least her breath and our first contact with you - reception.

Hotel Max Inn characterized by three asterisks. Can you say "it is therefore not much at all." We guarantee, however, some added value that can not be measured through official channels. In doing so, it adds just the right places specific, nutty character. If our hotel is nice and it mentioned a homely atmosphere. We are creeping into her interior solution and the availability of hotel rooms, it reflects the restaurant and cafe, and not least her breath and our first contact with you - reception.

Zobraziť viac

Hotel Max Inn contains

Capacity of equipment

Počet lôžok: 32

Nearest recommended lodgings

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