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Accommodation Hotel - Minerál starstarstar***

Okružná 124, 962 71, Dudince

Mineral Dudince Hotel underwent extensive renovation and now offers the Dudince 139 beds in comfortably furnished rooms and suites. High quality catering, wide variety of food and beverages, varied wine list, pleasant atmosphere and helpful staff are the main attributes of the hotel restaurants and bars Hotel Dudince Mineral.

Mineral Dudince Hotel underwent extensive renovation and now offers the Dudince 139 beds in comfortably furnished rooms and suites. High quality catering, wide variety of food and beverages, varied wine list, pleasant atmosphere and helpful staff are the main attributes of the hotel restaurants and bars Hotel Dudince Mineral.

Zobraziť viac

Hotel Minerál contains

Capacity of equipment

Počet lôžok: 139Prístelky: 9

Nearest recommended lodgings

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