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Accommodation Apartmánový dom Vila Maroš

Pavčina Lehota 169, 031 01, Pavčina Lehota

Apartment house Vila Maroš is located in the mountain village of Pavčina Lehota in the immediate vicinity of the beautiful Demänovská valley.

It houses four separate, fully equipped studios and apartments.

Each studio (apartment) has its own bathroom with shower and toilet, equipped kitchen, private balcony and provides comfortable accommodation in rooms furnished in a pleasant country style.

There is a common room with an LCD TV and a fully equipped kitchen.

The garden gazebo with seating and a fireplace with grill invites you to sit there with your family or friends.

Children can have fun in the playground belonging to the villa, there is a new, fenced multifunctional playground 50m from the apartment house.

There are 4 parking spaces (one for each studio) directly in front of the apartment house, free wifi connection is a matter of course.

Are you looking for accommodation in Liptov? Visit us! Whether you come in summer or winter, you will definitely not be bored. We believe that with us you will find everything you need for a comfortable stay and enjoy all the possibilities offered by the attractive location of our Vila Maroš.

Breathe in the fresh mountain air and experience the charm of the beautiful Liptov region. Enjoy the views from the tops of the mountains, discover the underground beauty of the caves, walk through the valleys or admire the surrounding scenery by bike. Liptov offers you endless possibilities to spend your vacation.

Marked hiking trails, perfectly groomed ski slopes in the nearby ski resort Jasná in the Low Tatras, or a few minutes away Ski Resort Žiarce (in summer Fun park with a summer bobsled track), water parks, bike paths, attractions and cultural and historical monuments or popular fishing on Liptovská Mara reservoir. Families with children, demanding tourists, passionate skiers, water sports enthusiasts and bike fans, as well as those who love relaxing and sweet idling, will enjoy themselves.

Apartment house Vila Maroš is located in the mountain village of Pavčina Lehota in the immediate vicinity of the beautiful Demänovská valley.

It houses four separate, fully equipped studios and apartments.

Each studio (apartment) has its own bathroom with shower and toilet, equipped kitchen, private balcony and provides comfortable accommodation in rooms furnished in a pleasant country style.

There is a common room with an LCD TV and a fully equipped kitchen.

The garden gazebo with seating and a fireplace with grill invites you to sit there with your family or friends.

Children can have fun in the playground belonging to the villa, there is a new, fenced multifunctional playground 50m from the apartment house.

There are 4 parking spaces (one for each studio) directly in front of the apartment house, free wifi connection is a matter of course.

Are you looking for accommodation in Liptov? Visit us! Whether you come in summer or winter, you will definitely not be bored. We believe that with us you will find everything you need for a comfortable stay and enjoy all the possibilities offered by the attractive location of our Vila Maroš.

Breathe in the fresh mountain air and experience the charm of the beautiful Liptov region. Enjoy the views from the tops of the mountains, discover the underground beauty of the caves, walk through the valleys or admire the surrounding scenery by bike. Liptov offers you endless possibilities to spend your vacation.

Marked hiking trails, perfectly groomed ski slopes in the nearby ski resort Jasná in the Low Tatras, or a few minutes away Ski Resort Žiarce (in summer Fun park with a summer bobsled track), water parks, bike paths, attractions and cultural and historical monuments or popular fishing on Liptovská Mara reservoir. Families with children, demanding tourists, passionate skiers, water sports enthusiasts and bike fans, as well as those who love relaxing and sweet idling, will enjoy themselves.

Zobraziť viac

V apartmáne bola moja dcéra s rodinou, s 3mi malými deťmi. Veľmi sa im páčilo ubytovanie aj prostredie. Chceme poďakovať aj touto cestou za výborný pobyt. JP
V apartmáne bola moja dcéra s rodinou, s 3mi malými deťmi. Veľmi sa im ...
Priestranný čistý a voňavý interiér, všetko úplne super.Výborná lokácia vily, všade blízko, výlety boli paráda. Chceme poďakovať aj za príjemnú ústretovú komunikáciu s p. ubytovateľom a pozdravujeme. Janka z BA
Priestranný čistý a voňavý interiér, všetko úplne super.Výborná ...

Apartmánový dom Vila Maroš contains

Capacity of equipment

Počet lôžok: 13Prístelky: 6

Facility equipment

fireplacechild game roomkrbnon smoking areasgarden sittinggrillparking place not guarded
Záhradný altánok so sedením a ohnisko s grilom láka na posedenie s rodinou či priateľmi. Deti sa môžu vyšantiť na detskom ihrisku s hojdačkami, preliezačkami a šmýkačkami. Dospelí si môžu zacvičiť v exteriérovom fitness centre. Neďaleko apartmánového domu je nové oplotené multifunkčné ihrisko.

Priamo pred domom sú 4 parkovacie miesta strážené kamerami.

Facility room

social equipment in every roomradiokitchenTVextra bedfridgeinternet
Vila Maroš ponúka pohodlie pre 19 osôb v 4 samostatných ubytovacích jednotkách:
štvorlôžkové štúdio Poľana (manželská posteľ + 2 prístelky),
päťlôžkový apartmán Ďumbier (manželská a samostatná posteľ + 2 prístelky),
päťlôžkový mezonetový apartmán Chopok (2 manželské postele + prístelka),
päťlôžkový mezonetový apartmán Jasná (2 manželské postele + prístelka).

Útulné apartmány a štúdio sú zariadené v príjemnom vidieckom štýle, majú vlastný balkón, pohodlnú pohovku (prístelka), LCD televízor so satelitným príjmom, vybavený kuchynský kútik (riad, chladnička, rýchlovarná kanvica, mikrovlnná rúra, indukčná varná doska), moderné kúpeľne so sprchovacím kútom a toaletou. K dispozícii pre hostí sú produkty luxusnej hotelovej kozmetiky Ille: sprchové gély, šampóny, kozmetické obrúsky, hygienické vrecká a ďalšie vybavenie najvyššej kvality.

Všetky izby sú osadené protihlukovými dverami.

V celom objekte je zabezpečené bezplatné WiFi pripojenie na internet.

Sports facilities

pooltermalpoolskiingvolleyballfootballsurfridingtourist pathscyclo pathshorseback ridingnatural poolwatersportsplaygroundcrosscountry skiingskatingmushroomingski servicefishing
Značené turistické chodníky, dokonale upravené lyžiarske zjazdovky v blízkom lyžiarskom stredisku Jasná v Nízkych Tatrách, či pár minút vzdialený Ski Areál Žiarce (v letnom období Fun park s letnou bobovou dráhou), aquaparky, cyklotrasy, atrakcie aj kultúrno-historické pamiatky či obľúbený rybolov na vodnej nádrži Liptovská Mara. Na svoje si prídu rodiny s deťmi, nároční turisti, vášniví lyžiari, nadšenci vodných športov aj priaznivci bicyklov.

Či už prídete v lete alebo zime, nudiť sa určite nebudete.
Nadýchnite sa sviežeho horského vzduchu a spoznajte čaro prekrásneho Liptova. Užite si výhľady z vrcholov hôr, objavte podzemnú krásu jaskýň, prejdite sa dolinami, či na bicykli obdivujte okolité scenérie. Liptov vám ponúka nekonečné možnosti, ako stráviť vašu dovolenku. Neváhajte sa nás opýtať, radi Vám poradíme, kam sa vybrať na výlet.

The facility is spoken

speak english
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