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Accommodation HOTEL GARNI

Kukučínova 209/24, 017 01, Považská Bystrica

Hotel Garni is located 1.5 km from the center of Považská Bystrica. It offers comfortable accommodation. You have the opportunity to relax in 6 comfortable apartments, in rooms with kitchenettes, business rooms or family rooms. It goes without saying that there is free Wi-Fi connection in the hotel premises and in the rooms. The terrace is surrounded by nature and offers pleasant seating. There is a spacious parking lot, part of which is monitored by a camera system.

Hotel Garni is located 1.5 km from the center of Považská Bystrica. It offers comfortable accommodation. You have the opportunity to relax in 6 comfortable apartments, in rooms with kitchenettes, business rooms or family rooms. It goes without saying that there is free Wi-Fi connection in the hotel premises and in the rooms. The terrace is surrounded by nature and offers pleasant seating. There is a spacious parking lot, part of which is monitored by a camera system.

Zobraziť viac

HOTEL GARNI contains

Capacity of equipment

Počet lôžok: 297
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