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Accommodation Hotel - Zlatý Býk starstarstar***

Námestie Štefana Marka Daxnera , 979 01, Rimavská Sobota

The entrance hall of the hotel provides a space for relaxation and meetings. In the gift shop you can buy original products from traditional craft yourself. Stylish restaurant with air conditioning and refreshing fountain provides visitors with excellent cuisine and professional service. Menu in the restaurant offers dishes of Slovak and international cuisine.

The entrance hall of the hotel provides a space for relaxation and meetings. In the gift shop you can buy original products from traditional craft yourself. Stylish restaurant with air conditioning and refreshing fountain provides visitors with excellent cuisine and professional service. Menu in the restaurant offers dishes of Slovak and international cuisine.

Zobraziť viac

Hotel Zlatý Býk contains

Capacity of equipment

Počet lôžok: 69Prístelky: 30

Nearest recommended lodgings

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